- Sturgis 97
Sold out - Steelers$100.00
- Baby Tee$52.00
- Jerzees Kitty$85.00
- White Tiger
Sold out - Sturgis 1999$90.00
- California Cats$85.00
- Northern Michigan$75.00
- Sorry$60.00
- Best Of Both Worlds$80.00
- Killer Whales
Sold out - Life Of Dragons$56.00
- I Love My Cat
Sold out - A Night To Remember$150.00
- Heineken$110.00
- Night Crew$80.00
- Alan Jackson$145.00
- TROLLS$60.00
- Don't Do Mornings
Sold out - Hooters Florida$80.00
- Summertime Blues$135.00
- The Mountain$65.00
- The Cat's Pyjamas$70.00
- Hard Rock Cafe$85.00
- Maui 82$65.00
- Life's A Beach$60.00
- Pussies Tee$70.00
- Illinois Harley Davidson$80.00
- Batman
Sold out - Mickey Minnie
Sold out - She's A Cougar$90.00
- Tuned Up$100.00